Deep Learning in Forth
Part I

August 28, 2021

Brad Nelson / @flagxor


  • Machine Learning is EXCITING!
  • Why are neural networks "suddenly" working?
  • Forth has a role to play!!!
  • Introduce core Deep Learning
  • Build a performant foundation in Forth
  • More Next Time!


I am not an ML expert!
  • Monte-Carlo tree search guided by policy and value networks
  • Bootstrapped from studying human games
  • Quickly defeats human players
    • Oct 2015 - 5:0 against Fan Hui (professional player)
    • Mar 2016 - 4:1 against Lee Sedol
    • May 2017 - 60:0 against professional including Ke Jie (#1 player)
  • 2017 - AlphaGo Zero, bootstraped from scratch, single computer with 4 TPUs

StyleGAN (2019)

DALE-E (2021)

"an armchair in the shape of an avocado." ----- "a snail made of a harp." -----

Deep Nostalgia (2021)

AI Dungeon - GPT-3 (2021)

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3
You are Gus the Destroyer, a knight living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a steel longsword and a wooden shield. You are on a quest to defeat the evil dragon of Larion. You've heard he lives up at the north of the kingdom. You set on the path to defeat him and walk into a dark forest. As you enter the forest you see a pale man. He is dressed in a white sleeveless shirt, brown pants, and boots. His head is completely hair and his face is expressionless. You draw your sword as the man stares at you.

> You ask where the dragon is.
"Where is the dragon?" you ask.
"What?" the man asks as he begins to look a little more alert.
"I asked where the dragon is, I want to kill him."

> You search the man.
You check the man for weapons but he is completely unarmed.
"Bah, you are new. Dragons are hard to kill, easier if you aren't a moron like you." The man sputters at you.

> You head into the forest.
You set off towards the north of the forest. You walk slowly to the point where you are a good hour away from the pale man. A flock of small birds fly through the air and land on a nearby branch.

> You look at birds.
You look down at the flock of birds. They are small birds and are chirping merrily away. They are in pretty bad shape.

Github Copilot - GPT-3 (2021)

Why is this suddenly working?

  • Core idea from 1986 (Backpropagation), why now?
  • LOTS more compute
    • Moore's Law
    • GPUs & TPUs
    • Cloud Computing
  • LOTS more data
    • Digital Cameras
    • Solid State Storage
    • The Internet
  • Better techniques & fixed early mistakes

Where does Forth fit in?

  • Deep Learning involves powerful,
    but SIMPLE ideas
  • Interactivity is important, not high-level performance (Python is the dominant language)
  • Small ML models fit in embedded devices
  • Big new things shift what's important

Deep Learning in a Nutshell

  • AI, Neurons, Aritificial Neurons, and Perceptrons
  • Layers as Matrices (and Tensors)
  • How "Deep" Learning Works
  • Crucial details for making it work well

Approaches to AI

  • Symbolic
    • Popular initially
    • Appealing because of Platonic ideal of knowledge
    • Tractable because of limitations of early computers
  • Connectionist
    • Now very hot
    • Appealing because it appears to mirror the brain
    • Also appealing because it offers a model for "learning"
    • Downside: "unexplainable" systems


  • Firing frequency varies by stimulus
  • Learning mechanism poorly understood

Artificial Neurons

  • Mathematical / Engineering construct, inspired by biology
  • Variations in layering and activation function
\[ y_j = A\left(\sum_{i=1}^n w_{i,j} x_i + b_j\right) \] xi = inputs
wi,j = synapse weight, bj = bias
A = activation function

Matrix Representation

  • Each layer is a matrix multiply with activation applied to each element

Network Layers

  • Input/Ouput + zero or more "hidden" layers
  • Multiple layers required for complex functions

Perceptron - 1958

  • Hardware Artificial Neural Network
  • Single Layer (Linear Planes)

Improvements + Advances

  • Automatic Differentiation
  • Better Initialization
  • Better Activation Functions
  • Better Layers
  • Better Overall Structure

How to Learn

  • Tune the network so that training input → output values produce the expected results
  • Treat the whole network as a function F, and minimize Loss(F(input), expected)
  • Use a "loss function", like sum of squares or distance sum

How to Learn

  • Gradient Descent on weights and biases
  • Move "downhill" in n-dimensions
  • Need to be able to differentiate whole neural network + loss function

Ways to find a Derivative

  • Symbolic Differentiation
  • Numeric Differentiation
  • Automatic Differentiation
\[ \frac{\delta}{\delta x} ? \]

Automatic Differentiation

  • Compute the function for particular input
  • Use intermediate results with chain rule to find derivative at that same input point
  • Two approaches (for function for ℝn → ℝm)
    • Forward Accumulation (better if n << m)
    • Reverse Accumulation (better if n >> m)
  • Minimizes round-off error

Chain Rule

\[ \frac{\delta}{\delta x} f(g(x)) = \frac{\delta f}{\delta g} \frac{\delta g}{\delta x} \]

Multivariable Chain Rule

\[ \frac{\delta}{\delta x} f(g_1(x), ..., g_k(x)) = \sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{\delta f}{\delta g_i} \frac{\delta g_i}{\delta x} \]

Forward Accumulation

Reverse Accumulation

AutoDiff with Matrices

  • Reverse Accumulation generalizes to matrices!
  • Product rule works as you would expect
  • Per-element operations also generalize


  • Biases - zero
  • Random weights to balance variance between layers.

\[ Glorot Uniform: Random(-limit, limit) \\ limit = \sqrt{\frac{6}{fan_{in} + fan_{out}}} \]

Activation Functions

\[ tanh(x) = \frac{e^{x} - e^{-x}}{e^{x} + e^{-x}} \]
\[ logistic(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}} \]
\[ relu(x) = max(0, x) \]

Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Image recognition of low level features should be the same throughout the visual field
  • Why relearn it over and over?
  • Apply the same windowed network throughout the image!

Discrete Convolution

\[ (f * g)[n] = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty} f[n - m] g[m] \]

2D Discrete Convolution

\[ (f * g)[x, y] = \sum_{i=-\infty}^{\infty} \sum_{j=-\infty}^{\infty} f[x - i, y - j] g[i, j] \]

2D Discrete Convolution

Edge Detection
Gaussian Blur

Convolutional Filters

Other Structures

  • Generative Adversarial Networks
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Transformer Recurrent Neural Networks

Pivot to Performance

  • We are doing LOTS of matrix operations!
  • Matrix multiply will dominate, it's O(n3) when done naively
  • Strassen's algorithm is O(nlog27) ≈ O(n2.807)
  • Best theoretical as of 2020 is O(n2.3728596), but has "galactic" constants
  • How to best use the hardware?


Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms

  • FORTRAN Library
  • Terse ≤6 character names
  • Standard "Kernels"
  • Strided Data

Strided Data

Type Convensions

  • S = Single precision (32-bit) floats
  • D = Double precision (64-bit) floats
  • C = Single precision complex (2 x 32-bit) floats
  • Z = Double precision complex (2 x 64-bit) floats

BLAS - Level 1 (1979)

  • *ROTG + SROT - Givens rotation
  • *SWAP - Swap two vectors
  • *SCAL - Vector scaling x = a*x
  • *COPY - Vector copy
  • *AXPY - Vector scale and add y = a*x + y
  • *DOT - Dot product
  • *NRM2 - Euclidean norm / vector length
  • *ASUM - Vector sum of absolute values
  • I*AMAX - Index of max absolute value

BLAS - Level 2 (1984-88)

  • *GEMV - Matrix Vector Multiply \[ y := \alpha A x + \beta y \]
  • *GER - Row-column Vector multiply \[ A := \alpha x y^T + A \]
  • Matrix-vector operations on symmetric/triangular matrices stored in banded or packed format.
  • Transpose generously supported.

BLAS - Level 3 (1990)

  • *GEMM - Matrix Matrix Multiply \[ C := \alpha A B + \beta C \]
  • Matrix-matrix operations on symmetric/triangular matrices stored in banded or packed format.
  • Transpose generously supported.


       REAL SA
       REAL SX(*),SY(*)
       INTRINSIC mod
       IF (n.LE.0) RETURN
       IF (sa.EQ.0.0) RETURN
       IF (incx.EQ.1 .AND. incy.EQ.1) THEN
          m = mod(n,4)
          IF (m.NE.0) THEN
             DO i = 1,m
                sy(i) = sy(i) + sa*sx(i)
             END DO
          END IF
          IF (n.LT.4) RETURN
          mp1 = m + 1
          DO i = mp1,n,4
             sy(i) = sy(i) + sa*sx(i)
             sy(i+1) = sy(i+1) + sa*sx(i+1)
             sy(i+2) = sy(i+2) + sa*sx(i+2)
             sy(i+3) = sy(i+3) + sa*sx(i+3)
          END DO
          ix = 1
          iy = 1
          IF (incx.LT.0) ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
          IF (incy.LT.0) iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
          DO i = 1,n
           sy(iy) = sy(iy) + sa*sx(ix)
           ix = ix + incx
           iy = iy + incy
          END DO
       END IF


1 sfloats constant sfloat
1 dfloats constant dfloat
variable incx   sfloat incx !
variable incy   sfloat incy !

: sf, ( r -- ) here sf! sfloat allot ;
: df, ( r -- ) here df! dfloat allot ;

: sxsy+ ( sx sy -- sx' sy' ) incy @ + swap incx @ + swap ;


: saxpy ( sx sy n f: sa -- )
  0 ?do over
    sf@ fover f* dup sf@ f+ dup sf! sxsy+
  loop 2drop fdrop ;

Basic Ops

: sswap ( sx sy n -- )
   0 ?do dup sf@ over sf@ dup sf! over sf! sxsy+ loop 2drop ;

: sscal ( sx n f: sa -- )
  0 ?do dup sf@ fover f* dup sf! incx @ + loop drop fdrop ;

: scopy ( sx sy n -- )
  0 ?do over sf@ dup sf! sxsy+ loop 2drop ;


: sdsdot ( sx sy n f: sb -- f: prod )
  0 ?do over sf@ dup sf@ f* f+ sxsy+ loop 2drop ;
: sdot ( sx sy n -- f: prod ) 0e sdsdot ;
: dsdot ( sx sy n -- f: prod ) 0e sdsdot ;

Summing and Searching

: snrm2 ( sx n -- f: norm )
  0e 0 ?do dup sf@ fdup f* f+ incx @ + loop drop fsqrt ;

: sasum ( sx n -- f: abssum )
  0e 0 ?do dup sf@ fabs f+ incx @ + loop drop ;

: isamax ( sx n -- index )
  over sf@ fabs 0 -rot 0 ?do
    dup sf@ fabs fover f> if fdrop dup sf@ fabs nip i swap then
    incx @ +
  loop drop fdrop ;

Givens Rotation

\[ \left[\begin{matrix} c & -s \\ s & c \\ \end{matrix}\right] \left[\begin{matrix} a \\ b \\ \end{matrix}\right] = \left[\begin{matrix} r \\ 0 \\ \end{matrix}\right] \]

Givens Rotation

fvariable cos
fvariable sin

: srotg ( f: a b -- f: c s )
  fdup f0= if fdrop fdrop 1e 0e exit then
  fover fover fdup f* fswap fdup f* f+ fsqrt 1/f ( a b 1/h )
  frot fdup f0<= if fswap fnegate fswap then ( b ~1/h a )
  fover f* frot frot f* ;

: srot ( sx sy n -- )
  0 ?do over sf@ cos sf@ f* dup sf@ sin sf@ f* f+
        dup sf@ cos sf@ f* over sf@ sin sf@ f* f-
        dup sf! over sf! incy @ + swap incx @ + swap loop 2drop ;


  • C wrapper around F77 BLAS
  • Cleverly works around Row vs Column major order

 void cblas_saxpy(const int N, const float alpha,
                  const float *X, const int incX,
                  float *Y, const int incY);

Row-Major vs Column-Major Order

  • FORTRAN = Column-Major Order
  • C = Row-Major Order
  • Forth = \o/ No arrays,
    I do what I want!
  • Transpose parameters
    allow conversion


: sfcell/ ( n -- n ) 2/ 2/ ;

c-function cblas_dsdot cblas_dsdot n a n a n -- r
: dsdot ( sx sy n -- f: prod )
  -rot >r incx @ sfcell/ r> incy @ sfcell/ cblas_dsdot ;

c-function cblas_saxpy cblas_saxpy n r a n a n -- void
: saxpy ( sx sy n f: sa -- )
  -rot >r incx @ sfcell/ r> incy @ sfcell/ cblas_saxpy ;

SAXPY / DAXPY - Level 1 Benchmark

  • 1000x - Multiply and Adds of two 1M element vectors
  • Try both single and double precision
  • Compare Forth and BLAS
  • Multiplies: 1 Billion
  • Adds: 1 Billion
  • BLAS Baseline: 0.454s

SAXPY / DAXPY - Level 1 Benchmark

1000000 constant test-size
1 sfloats incx ! 1 sfloats incy !

test-size sfloats allocate throw constant foo
foo test-size sfloats 33 fill
test-size sfloats allocate throw constant bar
bar test-size sfloats 33 fill
: benchmark
  1000 0 do
    123e foo bar test-size saxpy

SGEMV - Level 2 Benchmark

  • 10x - Vector-Matrix Multiply of size 10K x 10K
  • Compare Forth and BLAS
  • Compare Forth at Level 1+ vs Level 2 only
  • Multiplies: 1.0002 Billion
  • Adds: 1.0002 Billion
  • BLAS Baseline: 1.200s

SGEMV - Level 2 Benchmark

10000 constant test-size
1 sfloats incx ! 1 sfloats incy !

test-size test-size * sfloats allocate throw constant mat
mat test-size test-size * sfloats 33 fill
test-size sfloats allocate throw constant vec
vec test-size sfloats 33 fill
test-size sfloats allocate throw constant vec2
vec2 test-size sfloats 33 fill
test-size sfloats lda !
: benchmark
  10 0 do
    9e 1e mat vec vec2 test-size test-size sgemv

SGEMM - Level 3 Benchmark

  • One 1000 x 1000 Multiply and Add
  • Compare Forth and BLAS
  • Compare Forth at Level 1+, Level 2+, and Level 3 only
  • Multiplies: 1.002 Billion
  • Adds: 1.002 Billion
  • BLAS Baseline: 0.462s

SGEMM - Level 3 Benchmark

1000 constant test-size
1 sfloats incx ! 1 sfloats incy !
#NoTrans transa !
#NoTrans transb !

test-size test-size * sfloats allocate throw constant mat1
mat1 test-size test-size * sfloats 33 fill
test-size sfloats lda !
test-size test-size * sfloats allocate throw constant mat2
mat2 test-size test-size * sfloats 33 fill
test-size sfloats ldb !
test-size test-size * sfloats allocate throw constant mat3
mat3 test-size test-size * sfloats 33 fill
test-size sfloats ldc !

: benchmark
  9e 1e mat1 mat2 mat3 test-size test-size test-size sgemm

Intel MKL

  • Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library
  • Linux, Windows, and OSX Intel Optimized Math Kernels
  • Structured to heavily focus on Intel over AMD
  • Implements BLAS and other kernels like FFT
  • Takes advantage of: threads, memory layout, SIMD, the works

Wall Clock - System BLAS vs MKL BLAS


Wall Clock - System BLAS vs MKL BLAS



  • MKL SGEMM is 1,512x faster than high level Forth!
  • But the layers were Matrix x Vector?


How to do fast convolution?

  • Using a custom kernel could work, but would require optimizing another core operation
  • Can we transform our input so that matrix multiplication becomes convolution?


\[ F * I = im2col(F, F_s) \cdot im2col(I, F_s) \]
\[ I = \left[\begin{matrix} 1^* & 2^* & 3 & 4 \\ 5^* & 6^* & 7 & 8 \\ 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 \\ 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 \\ \end{matrix}\right] \] \[ im2col(I, [2, 2]) = \\ \left[\begin{matrix} 1^* & 2 & 3 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 9 & 10 & 11 \\ 2^* & 3 & 4 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 10 & 11 & 12 \\ 5^* & 6 & 7 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 13 & 14 & 15 \\ 6^* & 7 & 8 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 14 & 15 & 16 \\ \end{matrix}\right] \]


: im2col { src b w h c dst fw fh }
  w h * c * sfloats { sb }
  h c * sfloats { sw }
  c sfloats { sh }
  c fh * sfloats { shc }
  src dst
  b 0 do
    over swap
    w fw - 1+ 0 do
      over swap
      h fh - 1+ 0 do
        over swap
        fw 0 do
          2dup shc cmove
          shc + swap sw + swap
        swap sh + swap
      swap sw + swap
    swap sb + swap


: im2col-size { b w h c fw fh } b  w fw - 1+ *  h fh - 1+ *  c * ;
: im2col' { src b w h c dst fw fh }
  dst b w h c fw fh im2col-size 0 fill
  sfloat incx ! sfloat incy !
  w h * c * sfloats { sb }
  h c * sfloats { sw }
  c sfloats { sh }
  c fh * { shc# }
  shc# sfloats { shc }
  dst src
  b 0 do
    over swap
    w fw - 1+ 0 do
      over swap
      h fh - 1+ 0 do
        over swap
        fw 0 do
          2dup swap shc# 1e saxpy
          shc + swap sw + swap
        swap sh + swap
      swap sw + swap
    swap sb + swap

im2col Performance

  • ~1.8 sec for 1024 128x128x3 images
  • ~7.6 sec for multiply
  • NOTE: The resulting matrix can be reshaped into expected output in place


  • Many multidimensional tensors can be flattened to big matrices and correctly multiplied after adjusting shape
  • This will let us batch many items together

Multiple Filters and Images

First Deep Learning Target Project

  • Recognize handwritten digits
  • Use a series of 3x3 convolution layers, followed by some dense layers
  • Classify into 0-9

MNIST (1998)

  • Handwritten digit dataset
  • 28x28 grayscale
  • 60,000 training images
  • 10,000 test images
  • Remixed of NIST high school student and census bureau datasets

IDX File Format

Big Endian

$00    - Magic #                            (byte)
$00    - Magic #                            (byte)
type   - $08=uint8 $09=int8 $0B=int16       (byte)
         $0C=int32 $0D=float32 $0E=float64
rank   - Number of dimensions               (byte)
dim 1  - Size in dimension 1                (int32)
....                                        ....
dim N  - Size in dimension N                (int32)
data   - Raw data

Convert to Float

: u8tof32 ( a a n -- )
  0 do
    over c@ s>f dup sf!
    1 sfloats + swap 1+ swap
  loop 2drop ;

Convert to Float

\c void u8tof32(const uint8_t *src, float *dst, size_t n) {
\c   for (;n;--n) {
\c     *dst++ = *src++;
\c   }
\c }
c-function u8tof32 u8tof32 a a n -- void

MNIST (1998)

Next Time

  • Build Neural Network Layer Words
  • Implicitly build a reverse pass to calculate the gradient
  • Current Code tally: ~1,292 lines

Thank you