Adding Graphics to uEforth
   February 26, 2022

⦿ uEforth = ESP32forth
⦿ Colorful pictures make me happy
⦿ uEforth has limited built-ins
         ( though more than before )

⦿ Same interface on Windows and Linux
⦿ X11 not used unless graphics is
⦿ Limited memory used unless graphics is
⦿ Rasterize in Forth
⦿ Don't break ESP32forth

⦿ Common graphics state variables
⦿ Common rasterizer
⦿ "Low level" graphics + "Higher level" rasterizer
⦿ Separate Windows/Linux window
         + event implementation


  window ( w h -- )

Drawing region:
  pixel ( x y -- a ) (format [b g r x])
  width ( -- n )
  height ( -- n )
  flip ( -- )

Getting events:
  wait ( -- )
  poll ( -- )
  event ( -- n )
Event constants:

Event info:
  mouse-x ( -- n )
  mouse-y ( -- n )
  last-key ( -- n )
  last-char ( -- n )
  pressed? ( k -- f )
Key/Button constants:


  ( $rrggbb ) to color
  box ( x y w h -- )

  g{ ( -- ) Preserve transform
  }g ( -- ) Restore transform
  translate ( x y -- )
  scale ( nx dx ny dy -- )
  viewport ( w h -- )
  vertical-flip ( -- ) Use math style viewport.
  screen>g ( x y -- x' y' ) Transform screen to viewport

  640 480 viewport
  \ draw stuff on 640x480 area
  100 10 40 20 box

  2000 2000 viewport
  -1000 -1000 translate
  \ draw stuff in (-1000, 1000) in x, y

  g{ -100 -100 translate wheel }
  g{ 100 -100 translate wheel }
  g{ -100 100 translate wheel }
  g{ 100 100 translate wheel }

  g{ 1 10 1 10 scale disk }
  g{ 2 10 2 10 scale disk }
  g{ 3 10 3 10 scale disk }


0 value mouse-x
0 value mouse-y
0 value last-key
0 value last-char
0 value event
0 value width
0 value height

0 value backbuffer
: pixel ( w h -- a ) width * + 4* backbuffer + ;

: hline { x y w }
  x y pixel w 1- for
    color over l! 4 +
  next drop ;

YV(internals, fill32, \
  cell_t c = tos; DROP; \
  cell_t n = tos; DROP; \
  uint32_t *a = (uint32_t *) tos; DROP; \
  for (;n;--n) *a++ = c) \

: hline { x y w }
  x y pixel w color fill32 ;

: raw-box { left top w h }
  left w + top h + { right bottom }
  left right 2dup min to left max to right
  top bottom 2dup min to top max to bottom
  left 0 max to left
  top 0 max to top
  right width min to right
  bottom height min to bottom
  left right >= top bottom >= or if exit then
  right left - to w
  bottom top - to h
  top h 1- for left over w hline 1+ next drop

: box { left top w h }
  left sx * tx + 16 rshift
  top sy * ty + 16 rshift
  w sx * 16 rshift
  h sy * 16 rshift


create gstack 1024 cells allot
gstack value gp
: >g ( n -- ) gp ! gp cell+ to gp ;
: g> ( -- n ) gp cell - to gp gp @ ;
: g{   sx >g   sy >g
       tx >g   ty >g ;
: }g   g> to ty   g> to tx
       g> to sy   g> to sx ;

: screen>g ( x y -- x' y' )
  16 lshift ty - sy / swap
  16 lshift tx - sx / swap ;

: translate ( x y -- )
  sy * +to ty   sx * +to tx ;
: scale ( nx dx ny dy -- )
  sy -rot */ to sy
  sx -rot */ to sx ;

: viewport { w h }
  width 2/ height 2/ translate
  10000 width height */ 10000 w h */ < if
    width w  width h w */ 1 max h scale
    height w h */ 1 max w  height h scale
  w 2/ negate h 2/ negate translate

: vertical-flip
  0 height 2/ translate
  1 1 -1 1 scale
  0 height 2/ negate translate

 TO WIN32 / X11

z"" shared-library xlib
z" XOpenDisplay" 1 xlib XOpenDisplay ( a -- a )
z" XBlackPixel" 2 xlib XBlackPixel ( a n -- n )
z" XWhitePixel" 2 xlib XWhitePixel ( a n -- n )
z" XDisplayOfScreen" 1 xlib XDisplayOfScreen ( a -- a )
z" XScreenOfDisplay" 2 xlib XScreenOfDisplay ( a n -- a )
z" XDefaultColormap" 2 xlib XDefaultColormap ( a n -- n )
z" XDefaultScreen" 1 xlib XDefaultScreen ( a -- n )
z" XRootWindow" 2 xlib XRootWindow ( a n -- n )

: window { w h }
  w 0< if 640 to w 480 to h then
  NULL XOpenDisplay to display
  display XDefaultScreen to screen
  display screen XDefaultColorMap to colormap
  display screen XDefaultVisual to visual
  display screen XDefaultDepth to screen-depth
  display screen XBlackPixel to black
  display screen XWhitePixel to white
  display screen XRootWindow to root-window
  display root-window 0 0 w h 0 black white
    XCreateSimpleWindow to window-handle
  display window-handle XMapWindow drop
  display window-handle 0 NULL XCreateGC to gc
  display window-handle EVENT-MASK XSelectInput drop
  1 1 image-resize


  i16 field ->style
  ptr field ->lpfnWndProc
  i32 field ->cbClsExtra
  i32 field ->cbWndExtra
  ptr field ->hInstance
  ptr field ->hIcon
  ptr field ->hCursor
  ptr field ->hbrBackground
  ptr field ->lpszMenuName
  ptr field ->lpszClassName

vocabulary xkey  also xkey definitions
struct XKeyEvent
   i32 field ->type
  long field ->serial
  bool field ->send_event
   ptr field ->display
   win field ->window
   win field ->root
   win field ->subwindow
  time field ->time
   i32 field ->x
   i32 field ->y
   i32 field ->x_root
   i32 field ->y_root
   i32 field ->state
   i32 field ->keycode
  bool field ->same_screen
previous definitions

variable last-align
: typer ( align sz "name" )
  create , ,
  does> dup cell+ @ last-align ! @ ;
1 1 typer i8
2 2 typer i16
4 4 typer i32
cell 8 typer i64
cell cell typer ptr
long-size long-size typer long

variable last-struct
: struct ( "name" )
  1 0 typer latestxt >body last-struct ! ;
: align-by ( a n -- a )
  1- dup >r + r> invert and ;
: struct-align ( n -- )
  dup last-struct @ cell+ @ max last-struct @ cell+ !
  last-struct @ @ swap align-by last-struct @ ! ;
: field ( n "name" )
  last-align @ struct-align
  create last-struct @ @ , last-struct @ +!
  does> @ + ;


static LRESULT WindowProcShim(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
  if (msg == WM_NCCREATE) {
        hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA,
        (LONG_PTR) ((CREATESTRUCT *) lParam)->lpCreateParams);
  if (!GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA)) {
    return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
  cell_t stacks[STACK_CELLS * 3 + 4];
  cell_t *at = stacks;
  at += 4;
  float *fp = (float *) (at + 1); at += STACK_CELLS;
  cell_t *rp = at + 1; at += STACK_CELLS;
  cell_t *sp = at + 1; at += STACK_CELLS;
  cell_t *ip = (cell_t *) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
  cell_t tos = 0;
  DUP; tos = (cell_t) hwnd;
  DUP; tos = (cell_t) msg;
  DUP; tos = (cell_t) wParam;
  DUP; tos = (cell_t) lParam;
  rp = forth_run(rp);
  return tos;

pad WINDCLASSA erase
  WindowProcShim pad ->lpfnWndProc !
  hinstance pad ->hInstance !
  GrfClassName pad ->lpszClassName !
  NULL IDC_ARROW LoadCursorA pad ->hCursor !
  hinstance IDI_MAIN_ICON LoadIconA pad ->hIcon !
pad RegisterClassA to GrfClass
  NULL NULL hinstance ['] GrfWindowProc callback
  CreateWindowExA to hwnd

   79 windows/windows_console.fs
   68 windows/windows_core.fs
   77 windows/windows_files.fs
   74 windows/windows_gdi.fs
  360 windows/windows_messages.fs
   73 windows/windows_test.fs
  173 windows/windows_user.fs
  178 windows/grf.fs
   81 common/grf.fs
  100 common/grf_utils.fs
 1263 total

  213 posix/x11.fs
  171 posix/grf.fs
   81 common/grf.fs
  100 common/grf_utils.fs
  565 total


Hx(t) = 16 * sin^3(t)
Hy(t) = 13 * cos(t) 
       - 5 * cos(2t)
       - 2 * cos(3t)
           - cos(4t)


: heart-f ( f: t -- x y )
  fdup fsin 3e f** 16e f* fswap
  fdup fcos 13e f*
  fover 2e f* fcos 5e f* f-
  fover 3e f* fcos 2e f* f-
  fswap 4e f* fcos f- ;

4000 constant heart-steps
1024 constant heart-size
create heart-start heart-size allot
create heart-end heart-size allot
heart-start heart-size 0 fill
heart-end heart-size 0 fill

|  [--]
| [----]

: cmin! ( n a ) dup >r c@ min r> c! ;
: cmax! ( n a ) dup >r c@ max r> c! ;

: heart-initialize
  heart-start heart-size 7 29 */ 128 fill
  heart-end heart-size 7 29 */ 128 fill
  heart-steps 0 do
    i s>f heart-steps s>f f/ pi f* heart-f
    fnegate 12e f+ 29.01e f/ heart-size s>f f* fswap 16e f* f>s f>s
    2dup heart-start + cmin!
    heart-end + cmax!
  heart-size 0 do
    heart-end i + c@ heart-start i + c@ - heart-end i + c!

512 29 32 */ constant heart-ratio
: raw-heart 0 { x y sx sy r }
  heart-start c@ 0= if heart-initialize then
  y sy 2/ - to y
  sy 0< if
    y sy + to y
    sy abs to sy

  sy 0 do
    i heart-size sy */ to r
    x heart-start r + c@ sx heart-ratio */ +
      y i +
      heart-end r + c@ sx heart-ratio */
      1 raw-box
    x heart-start r + c@
      heart-end r + c@ + sx heart-ratio */ -
      y i +
      heart-end r + c@ sx heart-ratio */
      1 raw-box

   Thank you!